Best Law Firms | Ranked by Best Lawyers | United States | 2025

Richard J. Lambert was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2025 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America® in the field of Corporate Law.
Best Lawyers® is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.

Dunn Lambert, LLC | Attorneys At Law

Comprehensive Legal Services For Businesses

In New Jersey And New York call

Dunn Lambert, LLC | Attorneys At Law

Comprehensive Legal Services For Businesses

In New Jersey And New York call

Dunn Lambert, LLC | Attorneys At Law



Business Law Professionals

New Jersey Food Industry Attorneys

Any legal issues that affect food-related businesses such as domestic or foreign manufacturers, retailers, importers and distributors must be addressed by a skilled attorney. We at Dunn Lambert, LLC, represent clients in a broad range of industries, and our lawyers have extensive experience in and specific knowledge of the food industry.

We work to help clients with all transaction and litigation issues, though much of our work is done in the area of contracts, helping clients structure and draft comprehensive and detailed contracts. In addition, our trusted firm can become involved in nearly all types of issues that affect clients in the food industry, including:

  • Labeling and packaging
  • Food safety (including issues pertaining to the Food Safety Modernization Act)
  • Helping clients develop brand names
  • Trademarks and other intellectual property
  • Advertising
  • E-commerce
  • Employment issues

Contact our Paramus office today and let us use our experience to help you.

Regulatory Agencies

When legal matters arise that involve federal agencies that regulate food, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Department of Agriculture, you need legal representation to ensure that your business is protected. Our firm can handle all types of regulatory matters and represent clients in front of the agencies if hearings and/or other proceedings are required to resolve the situation.

Food Distribution Issues

Several cases we have handled for businesses in the food industry have dealt with distribution law. We handle cases on behalf of all participants in the food industry including manufacturers, retailers, importers and distributors or other clients who are seeking to address breach of contract, damaged goods or other problems with the distribution of food.

Contact Our Paramus Labeling and Packaging Lawyers Today

Do not trust your food industry issues to attorneys who have no experience in this area of the law. For additional information about how we can help, contact a New York and New Jersey business lawyer at Dunn Lambert, LLC, in Paramus, New Jersey. Call us today at .