New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code Lawyers
When it comes to business, the law of the land is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Every state in the U.S. except Louisiana has adopted the UCC to govern business and commercial transactions.
How It Was Developed
The UCC was created by the American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in order to standardize buying and selling of goods across state lines. After 10 years in development, it was released in 1952 and has been revised repeatedly over the years.
Technically it is not a law itself, but a document containing the suggested laws the states were encouraged to adopt in order to streamline interstate and international transactions.
The UCC covers the following topics:
Article 1. General Provisions
Article 2. Sales
Article 2A. Leases
Article 3. Negotiable Instruments
Article 4. Bank Deposit
Article 4A. Funds Transfers
Article 5. Letters of Credit
Article 7. Warehouse Receipts, Bills of Lading and Other Documents of Title
Article 8. Investment Securities
Article 9. Secured Transactions
We Speak the Language of Business
To those unfamiliar with it, complying with the UCC can be extremely intimidating. Our lawyers deal with the sometimes arcane provisions of these laws every day. We know how to make them work for you.
If the UCC is the language of business, the attorneys of Dunn Lambert, LLC, speak it fluently. We understand the nuances of the law and keep up to date on any and all revisions to the code.
Because we focus our practice solely on representing businesses, our clients can rely on us for our depth of knowledge and experience in all areas of business transactions and litigation.
Contact Our Paramus UCC Attorneys
If your business is seeking an attorney who knows the law and knows how business works, please contact Dunn Lambert, LLC, in Paramus, New Jersey, today.