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Business Law Professionals

What Makes a Shopper Spend Their Money?

On Behalf of | Nov 24, 2010 | Business Formation |

It’s almost Thanksgiving, which means it’s almost Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. Of course, the holidays in general are a big time for shopping and a good time for a business to consider whether they are doing all they can to get shoppers to spend in their store.

An article that appeared recently in the Los Angeles Times takes a fun look at different techniques retailers use to coax shoppers into their store, to stay and to spend their money. The article lays out and discusses several different techniques that businesses use or could use more.

For example, retailers should appeal to all of a potential customer’s five senses. Good lighting makes things look good, and music with a slow tempo makes shoppers browse more slowly, stay longer and spend more money. The article advises more businesses to encourage shoppers to touch the merchandise because more than one study has shown that a person is more likely to buy something if they have touched it and felt some ownership over it. If a business offers snacks or beverages to potential customers, it not only coaxes them in the door, but it gets their appetite going — for buying things.

Businesses might also consider employing a technique used by a mall in Germany. The mall has a special area just for men to play while their wife or girlfriend is shopping. Women can drop off their man and he can drink, play with power tools and watch TV while she shops.

The article points out that women’s and men’s shopping habits aren’t much different from the hunting and gathering days. Men want to go out and get what they are looking for and bring home the prize. Women see shopping as more of a social experience where they can try every day to find the best things. If each part of a couple is happy, women might shop longer and find what they are looking for — in your store.


Buyer beware — of how you’re being coaxed into spending (Los Angeles Times)