Employee disputes can be challenging and disruptive to any business. Conflict can affect productivity, morale, and even the overall work environment. In New Jersey, some businesses are starting to consider mediation as a way to resolve these disputes. But is it the...
Business Law Professionals
Employment Litigation
How can you tell if an employee is considering legal action?
When working to help an employee resolve a complaint, whether a discrimination accusation or a wage and hour issue, you may feel you have the matter under control. But what if your employee disagrees? If the other party feels you are not doing all you can to resolve...
3 causes of disputes between employers and employees
Disputes can arise in a workplace between involved parties, including the employer and an employee. This is why contracts should have a conflict resolution clause. But what can cause conflict between an employer and an employee? Here are three common causes of...
Is your employee handbook an implied contract?
When you hire a new employee who has exceptional qualifications, you may be excited to welcome him or her into your company. On those first days of orientation and settling in, you are likely to have many conversations with your new hire, and you may intend those...
Wrongful termination in an at-will world
Your small business is important to you. You likely spent years preparing, learning and saving to create a company where you could be the boss. If everything went according to your plan, you may have hired a few employees and started to make a profit before the first...
Avoiding retaliatory discharge lawsuits in New Jersey
Businesses sometimes find themselves facing discrimination claims they believe are frivolous. When an employee has filed such a complaint, however, care should be taken by the company. If the complaining employee is one whose work is substandard, businesses must still...
Dealing with age discrimination in New Jersey
Many businesses make concerted efforts at bringing in fresh, new talent and make a point of recruiting from college campuses while ignoring more experienced potential employees. As a result of this, many people from the Baby Boomer generation are being pushed out of...
Sexual harassment charges in New Jersey
Employees in New Jersey may be affected by a Feb. 11 court decision that may make it harder to hold employers accountable for management personnel who commit sexual harassment offenses. Judges claimed that the recent decision could help motivate employers to uphold...
Understanding more about civil rights violations
New Jersey employees could potentially benefit from understanding more about what actions qualify as a violation of civil rights. When there has been a civil rights violation, victims may have several options available for attempting to remedy the situation. In order...
Harassment in the workplace
Workplace harassment is unfortunately a pervasive problem that is encountered in New Jersey and around the country. It can take many forms, and there are federal laws that prohibit it and that provide protections to those who are its victims. In its simplest form,...