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Facebook Founder Named Person of the Year by TIME

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2010 | Business Formation |

Time magazine has named its “Person of the Year” for 2010: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Since 1927, Time magazine has been choosing a “Person of the Year” who they deem has most significantly influenced our culture over the past year.

The 26-year-old has become one of the world’s youngest billionaires and an influential businessman in the world of online social networking and advertising. Zuckerberg started his now valued-in-the-billions company in his Harvard dorm room. Now, the site claims 500 million users around the world.

According to The Christian Science Monitor, Zuckerberg is the second youngest person to take Time’s honor. The youngest person ever chosen was 25-year-old Charles Lindberg in 1927. Queen Elizabeth II was also 26, but two weeks older at the time than Zuckerberg is now. According to the Christian Science Monitor, it also bears noting that Her Majesty recently joined Facebook.

Zuckerberg not only formed a new business, but has the ambition and vision to attempt to change the way people around the world use the Internet. He says that he wants to make the world more “open.” He has faced criticism for possibly inadvertently forcing people to become more open with hard-to-use privacy controls on his website. He was recently the subject of the critically acclaimed movie, “The Social Network.” Depending on your perspective, for better or worse, Zuckerberg has definitely had a significant impact on our culture over the past year.


Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, named TIME Person of the Year 2010 (The Christian Science Monitor)