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Hacker identified in pirated movie footage case

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2011 | Intellectual Property |

A 24-year-old woman is accused of copyright infringement and stealing intellectual property for allegedly pirating images and video footage from the movie “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.”

The woman, who lives in the town of Posada in Argentina, allegedly hacked her way into private servers and then distributed copyrighted images from the blockbuster vampire romance movie. She is set to plead innocent to criminal and civil complaints filed against her.

Argentine media reports say the woman denied hacking into the computers and removing the materials, saying she only looked at what was available to movie fans online. She further alleges that Summit Entertainment is guilty of greed in pursuing the matter.

Summit Entertainment responded by saying that this was not about greed. Instead, the company insists that the case concerns the right to protect private and sensitive materials from being illegally obtained and distributed.

The Internet account address allegedly used by the woman belongs to her family. Summit maintains that the woman told her attorney that she accessed the servers and email accounts and stole photos and unfinished video footage of the movie over a period of several months, and she originally confessed and agreed to cooperate. The woman also reportedly told Summit that she deleted the materials off her laptop and from the family’s desktop computer, but will not let the company’s IT experts confirm this.

The studio has begun formal legal action against the woman insisting that had she and her representatives been willing to cooperate with them, a compromise could have been reached that may have avoided legal action in Argentina and the United States.


Source: THR, Esq., “Accused ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn’ Hacker Pleads Not Guilty; Summit Responds,” Matthew Belloni, Aug. 4, 2011