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Business Law Professionals

Marketing campaign hopes to bring new businesses to New Jersey

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2013 | Business Formation |

When people are looking to start a business, they want to go to a place with a favorable business environment. For many people, the business climate in a particular state can be as important as any other business formation issue. Following Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey officials are trying to make sure that business owners understand that the Garden State is still a good place to do business.

In a new marketing campaign prepared by Choose New Jersey — a nonprofit marketing company — officials are making it clear that New Jersey is not only open for business, but that it is the right choice for people looking for a “healthy business climate.” Choose New Jersey funds are donated by unions, corporations and pro-business organizations throughout the state.

The marketing campaign wants to stress that the people and businesses in New Jersey are both tough and resilient. According to Choose New Jersey, the campaign will be featured in newspapers and business publications starting this month.

This campaign comes only six months after another Choose New Jersey campaign, which was launched to stress New Jersey’s educated workforce.

Location is just one aspect of starting a business. After all, a lot must go into a business start-up in order for it to be successful. The decisions that are made as a business is forming can affect the success of the business for years to come. For example, entity form decisions can change tax status, formation requirements and potential liability issues as the business grows.

With careful planning and execution, businesses can ensure that all steps are taken to get off on the right foot, making ownership of a business in New Jersey a very successful venture.

Source: The Record, “N.J. launching new marketing campaign,” Juliet Fletcher, Dec. 31, 2012