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Newark enforces paid sick leave for employees

On Behalf of | Mar 20, 2014 | Employment Litigation |

Whether they are part of a small business or a vast organization, employers have a great deal of responsibility. Apart from being required to tend to the needs of the business itself, they also have an obligation to their employees. Failure to properly adhere to laws in place to govern their treatment of employees could result in employment disputes. In New Jersey new legislation is being introduced which requires employers to fulfill yet another obligation.

The Paid Sick Leave Ordinance is a new law in Newark that requires employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave. The amount the worker is entitled to depends on the amount of time they have worked for, as well as how many employees work for the company. They are eligible for one hour of paid sick leave per 30 hours spent working, beginning on the day they start work. This time can also be used to care for or administer to ailing family members.

Employers would not be required to provide more than 40 hours of paid sick time in one calendar year. Furthermore, employees are not able to use any accumulated leave until they have worked a minimum of 90 days for their employer. Employers with existing paid leave contracts must meet the yearly accrual requirements.

It is important for employers in New Jersey to be aware of changes in legislation such as this one. By being aware of the state’s employment laws, you will be better equipped to avoid employment disputes and to know your rights if challenged by an employee. Facing employment litigation can be daunting for any employer. However, with the right support and a thorough investigation, you can work toward protecting your business and your good name.

Source: The National Law Review, “Newark, New Jersey Passes Paid Sick Leave Ordinance,” Jessica A. Burt, March 17, 2014