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Negotiations for Comcast-NBCU Merger Ongoing

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2011 | Mergers & Acquisitions |

Comcast is still waiting for a green light from the Federal Communications Commission and antitrust regulators with the Justice Department for the company’s merger with NBC Universal. Comcast and NBCU were hoping to have the proposed $30 billion merger approved this month.

According to an article in National Journal by David Hatch, Comcast and the FCC are still in negotiations over what conditions will be imposed on the merger deal, but announcement of approval could be as early as a week away.

According to National Journal, the talks involve Comcast Chairman and CEO Brian Roberts and Democratic FCC regulators Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn. The continued talks all have to do with what limitations and conditions will be placed on the merger in order for it to gain FCC approval. The Democratic regulators want to ensure that a merged Comcast-NBCU will be good for consumers and will not eliminate fair competition.

The negotiation process involves talks within the FCC as well, as Democratic Chairman Julius Genachowski decides to align with either the two Democrats or the two Republicans in the FCC. According to National Journal, Copps might oppose the deal, which would mean that maybe the chairman would align with the Republicans, rather than the Democrats, in order to get the deal passed.


Talks Continuing Over Comcast/NBC Merger (National Journal)