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Paramus company pays up in sexual harassment suit

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2013 | Employment Litigation |

Most people spend a majority of their waking hours in the workplace. It is only natural that friendships form, jokes are shared, and laughs are had. Sometimes, however, workplace antics can get out of hand and turn into a matter of employment litigation.

One example occurred in Paramus this summer when a teenage girl claimed to have been subjected to sexual harassment by her supervisor and co-workers at a company that hosts parties for children. In the complaint, she alleged that she was fired from her job after having reported the sexual harassment.

The former employee claimed that she was subjected to unwanted sexual advances from her supervisor and inappropriate comments from male co-workers while working at Screamin’ Parties. When fired one month after reporting the harassment, the girl was notified that the termination was for breach of company policy, prompting her to file a complaint for wrongful termination.

She reached a $15,000 settlement with the company to be paid in three installments over the course of 12 months. The party hosting company admitted neither fault nor liability as a result of the settlement.

Most New Jersey employers want the best for the people who work for them. Unfortunately, employers cannot always control the behavior of some of their employees. When employee-employer relations break down and employment litigation is imminent, it is important to seek advice and representation from an experienced attorney. Facing claims of sexual harassment can do serious damage to a company’s reputation. With proper legal advice, New Jersey businesses that find themselves in this difficult situation can determine how best to move forward.

Source:, “Paramus party company to pay $15,000 to resolve teen girl’s sexual harassment suit,” Dan Ivers, July 2, 2013