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Business Law Professionals

New Jersey man prepares to open juice business

On Behalf of | May 14, 2014 | Closely Held Businesses |

With the ever-shifting economy posing problems for many firms, job security has become harder to find. For some, the best option is to forge ahead and start a new business entity, taking their future into their own hands. It may seem an uphill struggle at first, but with a solid plan and a good work ethic, it is more than possible to succeed. In Stone Harbor, N.J., a local man is preparing to do just that.

His career in pharmaceutical sales ended when he was laid off in November 2011, for the second time in under four years. By then, however, he was tired of the long hours away from home, regardless of the six-figure salary. Like so many others, he dreamed of his own enterprise that would form his future and keep him close to his family. After a few months of preparation, he was finally ready to open his Smoothie Shack in Rio Grande.

This was a good start, but he was keen to expand, so a year ago he set his sights on a shop in Harbor Square. After renting the site, he cleared it out and began remodeling from scratch. He has also been working with a registered dietician to improve the nutritional quality of his juices. He has further attempted to apply his own fitness experience to the juices and he even plans to bring a new product to the market. Now he is all but ready to open the doors.

Things are looking promising for this New Jersey businessman, but it took careful planning to get him to this point. If you are considering a business startup, there are a few essential steps that you will need to go through. An attorney may be able to help you with your business plan and financing. They can also guide you through state legislation and help you ensure you have covered all your bases, to give your new business the best possible chance of succeeding.

Source: Shore News Today, “Jazzed up for juice,” David Benson, May 10, 2014