In our blog post, Why is There a Need for the Business Divorce Institute (Part 1), we described some of the mistakes that business owners make in deciding to partner and selecting a partner. We announced that it is the mission of The Business Divorce Institute to support business owners at this early stage of the partnership formation process.
But what about business owners who are in the middle or late stages of a business partnership, and find themselves deeply entangled with the wrong partner or a “bad partner”? Ask anyone who has suffered through a broken business partnership, and they will tell you that it can be every bit as bad – – and sometimes far worse – – than a bad marriage.
Having practiced in this area of business law for many years, I am struck by the number of times business – owner clients have called me, often with more than a touch of desperation in their voices, to say that they have been advised – – by other lawyers, accountants, colleagues or centers of influence – – that there is NOTHING that can be done to help them separate from their bad partner.
It is with the benefit of many years of experience that I can assure you that there is always SOMETHING that can be done to extricate a person from a bad business partnership. Of course, the circumstances of each case are somewhat unique, and there are variations in the law from state to state, but you should feel empowered by knowing that there is a way to resolve your partnership dispute. Skilled communication consultants and business divorce attorneys can help you extricate yourself from your debilitating partnership and lead you to a brighter day. In upcoming blog posts, we will explore the ways in which these disputes can be resolved.