If you have a business issue that requires litigation, you may be able to use the Complex Business Litigation Program. The New Jersey Courts explain the CBLP helps businesses with complex legal issues.
The program can help move your case along more quickly than if you went through the regular court system.
The judge
Besides spending less time litigating, the CBLP also gives you access to one judge who will work your case from start to finish. The judge will manage all aspects of your case, which enables him or her to be clear and aware of all issues and details. This can lead to fairer sentences and lets the judge have a clear understanding of your case issues.
The process
To use the CBLP process, you can request to be part of it. However, if your case involves $200,000 and is a complex commercial or complex construction case, it automatically goes into the program. If you do not meet these requirements, you can file a motion. You also can file a motion to exclude your case from the CBLP if you have an automatic assignment. A judge will review the case and decide whether to include or exclude your case from the program.
Using the CBLP is a way to bypass the legal system filled with various other cases. It moves slowly, and you may get a judge who isn’t familiar with your case matter, which can play against you. Through CBLP, you get a dedicated judge who works this program and moves your case through quickly. It can be a good solution in many situations.